Arrival (10-11am)
We reserved a large group pavilion for the day (from 10am to 9pm). The plan is to gather at the pavilion between 10am and 11am. Please plan your trip and make sure you reserve your daily pass accordingly.
Please make sure to get a daily pass as soon as possible! You might not be able to get into the park without one.See for details. Daily pass is $8 per adult (age 12 and over), kids 12 and under are free.
Lunch (11-12pm)
Please bring a sack lunch for you and your family. Water and snacks will be provided.
Activities (12-3pm)
There are over 11 miles of trails there. The saints are welcome to group together and hike from 12pm to about 3pm. There is also rock climbing.
Important! This is a family activity of the church in Round Rock and NOT a drop off activity. All the children and minors have to be under the care and custody of their parents or designated guardian. No children or young ones (even in groups) can be in the park without the supervision of adults for hiking.
There will be someone at the pavilion at all times so saints who do not want to hike are welcome to stay there.
Singing and fellowship (3-4pm)
We would like to gather for singing and fellowship between 3pm and 4pm, and then get ready for supper at 5pm.
Supper (5pm)
The church will provide food: burgers, hotdogs, etc.
The pavilion
The pavilion is reserved from 10am-9pm. There are bathrooms, picnic tables, BBQ grill, and parking for 25 vehicles.